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a girl who does stupid things sometimes so she has something to smile about when she's old.

Monday 14 April 2014

Grain Silos Converted into Contemporary Rural Home

Tucked away in the wilds of the rural American Midwest one might not suspect the nature of this home from a distance – it is, after all, easy to mistake for the two silos that were joined to create it. Up close, however, modern design features and interior elements show it to be a clever adaptively reused silo house.

The ultimate bachelor-pad-plus, this cozy residence is designed for a single man with additional space for his guests and grandchildren. The rounded shape provides amazing views in all directions as well as access to light year round.

Of course, the beauty and bane of a circular house is that everything must be custom-designed to fit the curved interior spaces. While this can be expensive the remark is visually dynamic – the surfaces and fixtures carry one’s eye continuously around any room.

Some of the metal from the silo is left exposed on the inside of the home and offset by the addition of warm wood and simple white paint. The result is a combination modernist-by-comfortable-and-cozy interior design.

Extra bedroom pods also conform to the curved spaces and continue the theme of cozy enclosure implied by the rest of the design.


source: dornob.com

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