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a girl who does stupid things sometimes so she has something to smile about when she's old.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

[BLOG GIIAS] World Premier Hadir di GIIAS 2017!

GIIAS atau Gaikindo Indonesia Internasional Motor Show yang merupakan pameran otomotif terbesar se-Asia Tenggara datang lagi! Banyak sekali orang- orang yang menunggu kedatangan GIIAS ini. Bagaimana tidak? Fokus dan komitmen mereka yang ingin menampilkan produk otomotif terbaik untuk masyarakat menarik perhatian publik. Apalagi, setelah tahu akan ada 40 kendaraan terbaru yang akan hadir di GIIAS 2017! Wah, rasanya seperti mendapatkan tiket bioskop di bangku strategis 3 hari sebelum film nya dimulai.

Salah satu teknologi terbaru yang akan dihadirkan oleh GIIAS 2017 ialah Word Premier Mitsubishi Small MPV. Mitsubishi akhirnya meluncurkan mobil yang mampu memuat banyak penumpang (sekitar 7 orang), stylish, nyaman dan aman, cocok untuk keluarga yang modern.
Small MPV menawarkan 6 varian berbeda mulai dari 189 juta rupiah.     
1.  GLX M/T (Rp 189 juta)
Dilengkapi dengan pelek kaleng + DOP, lampu senja bohlam, dual SRS (Supplemental Restraint System) airbags, AC double blower, immobilizer, rear wiper & power window 4 pintu.

2. GLX A/T (Rp 199 juta)
Dilengkapi dengan 4 speed A/T

3. GLS M/T (Rp 209 juta)
Dilengkapi dengan pelek alloy 15 inci, DRL (Daytime Running Light), fog lamp, ABS (Antilock Braking System), EBD (Electronic Braking Distribution), BA (Brake Assistance)

4. GLS A/T (Rp 219 juta)
Dilengkapi dengan 4 speed A/T

5. Exceed A/T (Rp 232 juta)
Dilengkapi dengan pelek alloy 16 inci, optitron speedo & full TFT MID (Multi Information Display), LED Bar stoplamp, audio steering switch, smart key dan start stop button serta electric retract.

6. Ultimate A/T (Rp 246 juta)
Dilengkapi two tone beige / black interior, wood panel, monitor head unit, rear camera, bluetooth steering swith dan body kit.

Eksterior nya juga dilengkapi dengan grille bumper, headlamp, fender, lingkar roda alloy. Sedangkan interior dilengkapi dengan door trim, konsol tengah dengan dua cup holder dan laci penyimpanan didepan penumpang baris pertama.

Dimensi nya yaitu 4,475mm (P) x 1,750mm (L) x 1,700mm (T) akan memberikan kenyamanan yang lebih pada penumpang Small MPV ini. Ditambah dengan mesin bensin DOHC MIVEC 16 valve 1.499 cc, mampu menghasilkan daya hingga 103 Hp pada 6.000 rpm dan torsi puncak sebesar 141 Nm pada 4.000 rpm.

Menggiurkan bukan? Temukan mobil impian ini hanya di GIIAS 2017! Selain dapat melihat langsung kerennya Small MPV ini, anda juga bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari GIIAS, diantaranya:
Keuntungan untuk pengunjung Senin – Rabu:
1.       Diskon 20% untuk pemegang kartu Mandiri
2.       Buy 2 get 1 untuk pemegang kartu Mandiri, khusus untuk 2000 pengunjung pertama.
3.       Parkir gratis untuk 1000 penukar pertama setiap hari selama weekdays, caranya dapat dilihat di website resmi GIIAS.

Dan banyak keuntungan serta fasilitas menyenangkan lainnya yang ditawarkan oleh GIIAS 2017! Dan rasakan juga keseruan mengikuti rangkaian perlombaan yang diadakan di GIIAS 2017 pada saat 17 Agustus. Yuk datang sekarang dan temukan teknologi mobil impian kamu!

Dapatkan berita terbaru dari GIIAS 2017 di VIVA.com

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Weird Dream #2

So last night I dreamed a very weird thing again. It was about a baby, well, a clone baby to be exact.

Here we go.

I was a young girl, there was a boy too, and a woman in her 30s. So I was with this boy, fell in love, and I don't know exactly what happened, but I think this boy is just possessed. Long short story, I was pregnant. Oh yes, the woman in her 30s is, well I don't know who is she but I think she is this boy's mother which means my mom in law.

So this woman is having a little mental issue, in some times, she could act abruptly wild. So the boy is nowhere to be seen. So I went to the temple with my mom in law in order to find my boy. But because of her mental issue, I was afraid to meet her again. But she yearned for me too much. So when I was 8 old month pregnant, she came to me and hug me tightly. Too tight till I cannot help but kicked her till she passed out. And I passed out too then. After wake up I cant find this woman and my helper told me, this baby came out from my fcking mouth. (i know it is so weird, so fcking extreme).

She told me that this baby came out while I was in 8 month pregnancy, so we can say it "premature".

I was so sad but happy because at least this baby still alive. So I treated her with love and kindly.

But suddenly, I found her so strange. Well, it was good playing with her till night came. She slept on me while hugging me so tight. And the next day, I felt sooo heavy. And found that baby, who slept ln me, grew a little bigger. You know a baby usually get a noticable bigger at leas in 1 month. But not with her. She grew bigger in just a day. She grew into a 10 months old baby girl.

Of course I found it strange. So I tried talking to her but she act nothing but cute
But her laughs so weird till I prayed and spit on her. Yes, I spat on her. Then her face changed. She was so mad that I did it. And then she laughed like a mature woman, and ripped her skin just like ripping a christmas present. And ta da. I dont really remember who it was. I think she was a demon. And here the weird part too, I suddenly watched a music video. There is selena gomez and I dont know the other artist but she didnt sing any of her song. It was other's song, and I cannot remember :(

Weird. Isn't it.
And I dont know about the baby.

Done. Bye.

Friday, 21 July 2017

Weird Dream #1

Tuesday, July 18th, 2017; 7.30 P.M

I was half asleep so I decide to sleep that time. I prayed as usual then closed my eyes. A slight dream came up. I went to some vacation, I don't know where, even the country is unknown. What I know is there is a lot of rice fields, roads with clear skies... I don't remember I saw a mountain. Then, strange things happened, in that dream. I don't know what, I forgot because mom woke me up when she turned the lights on. When she went off, I get back to sleep again. And also,  that dream.

I was in the car waiting for, I don't know what for. My younger sister sat beside me, and then this giant, passed by. You know a giant in that "Clash of Clan"? Yes, that giant..

But he is nice though. But still, have to be killed. Because I remember someone saying, he is gonna change into something really terrible. then lots of people are chasing him, running. The giant passed by our car. I was afraid because my younger brother is outside. So, I tried to find him no matter what. But because I can't leave my younger sister, I took her. We searched in the area, it looks like a gasoline stop, with a normal you know a public-hand-wash area..

I suddenly shocked because I saw a giant there, washing his face. The giant isn't to tall. Maybe just 2.5 meters tall, with yea, big built body. We then continue our walking but he stopped me. He, the giant. He was nice, and with his smile, I smiled too. I know this is sounds cheesy but that was what I dreamed ok. The giant followed me to find my brother. We then get into a store, but none was there. The sun was finally off. Then he changed. Not too scary, but I know he could kill me. It was like, when the night comes you forgot who is your loved one just like Chopper in One Piece when he changed to Brain Point monster, yea something like that idk.. the point is, that giant will probably killed everyone he sees when the night comes. So I hid with my sister hoping my brother would be okay. I saw his feet moving all along the way. The sounds of his moving just too scary.

He finally went to somewhere, I dont know but the store is pretty big. So I ran with my sister to outside. But, I saw the sun shines so bright. And my brother ran into us. Saying we gotta hurry before the giant found us. So yeah, we did. Strange. That is why it is called dream.

Then, I was at vacation house. With my sister and brother, mother and father of course. Then mom said she is gonna have some fun with my brother so the rest is at home. I remember it clearly, it was noon, 12 p.m maybe. I decide to have fun too with my sister. Long short story, when we are going home, well, we took a train, a commuter line, to be exact. Just like Indonesia had. Then the train stopped at....I dont know where but the area looks like manggarai but upgraded version? lol. I dont know. It was like a combination of manggarai and jatinegara station. So yeah. When we stopped, some people came up to the train yelling something I can't recall.. it was so so so weird. I don't know why but I get off the train because I am sure this train is weird. But then, I am right. I dont remember my sister. That is why when I looked at a girl beside me who is actually my sister, I didnt know her. I did not recognize her(this is me thinking when I woke up and realizing my dream is too weird) I just get off then, to a mini market for a cold drink but I got nothing, I searched for a cold dring, well the store had about 4 or 5 fridge. But the cold drinks are already bought. I found something but it was small that cant meet my satisfaction of cold drink, u know what i mean.. So I then searched until I found a weird lookinng orange juice then searched for a normal cold drink again but the rest are just so so because the worker just put them in not a long ago. I was going to pay then, I suddenly wonder why the juice are changed into an orange liquid in a small plastic. So I asked the cashier if I can get any cold drink and he said, "you can make them in the corner. there is ice cubes available" while pointing my orange liquid in the plastic thing. So the liquid turns out to be a formula. It was like a syrup you know. Just a little of it, add water and ice cubes then done. But the weird thing is I also make my food. then after all those long tiring efforts to find cold drink but turns out to be making a meal, I realized, it was so dark outside. I wondered what time it is and I found 3 phones. one is mine, one is my mom's (idk why the hell it was there) one is, i dont know whose this. I turned on my phone and saw many people called me. But I just so confused like, the last time I texted my dad was at 3 P.M saying we are going home then, the train is only took 30 minutes back then. But when we going back and then I happened to buy a cold drink but making a meal, I looked at the clock ridiculously. 11 P.M. seriously?

then my mom's phone rang. or that was I thought. I searched for it, when I found it, nothing. But I do hear that rings. That is when I got up. You might think I woke up in the morning, nope. I woke up, at 11 P.M.

Then I hear that ringtone. But after a long searching out of curiousity, it turns out to be my fan. my fan, I dont know.... it sounds just like the ringtone i heard when it moves....

but still, i was scared with that train part. because there is people suddenly got in, yelled, then got off. I think someone just killed in the front part but not sure.

I honestly do have some weird dreams. But I think I'll write it out here so it becomes my permanent memory.
that was my strange dream today.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017


Jalan- jalan ke Jepang itu memang menyenangkan banget! apalagi kalo musim dingin! banyak banget makanan hangat yang super enak dan tempat permandian air panas pun jadi tempat favorit yang tentunya gak boleh dilewatkan!

nah ini dia, perjalanan impianku ke Jepang!

terbang dari Bandara Soetta, CGK pada pagi hari menggunakan ANA Air via Tokyo lalu mendarat saat malam di Toyama Airport lalu langsung ke Hotel Prime Toyama dan beristirahat.

saatnya berjalan-jalaaaaaannnn YEAYYYYYYYY!! Toyama sebenernya bukan kota yang sebesar Tokyo, tapi....ga kalah menarik kok. apalagi pas musim dingin.. beberapa orang mungkin ingin ke Sapporo ngeliat snow festival apalagi sekarang udah ada tokoh star wars... atau mungkin ke Osaka ngeliat light festival.. yah, itu mah pasti rame sama orang yaa.. dan sebagai seseorang yang ga suka tempat crowded, I'd prefer Toyama Folk Village for Winter! ^^
so cool, right? :')

setelah menikmati pemandangan yang "a-must-see" banget, let's continue to NAGANO ^^ perjalanan ke Nagano bisa ditempuh dengan kereta dalam waktu 2 jam 50 menit (bukan shinkasen yaa) dari Toyama lalu transit di Naoetsu lalu lanjut ke Nagano! biaya untuk kereta kira- kira 620 - 680 ribu rupiah ^^ nah setelah sampai di Nagano, just go to a local restauant to taste the wonderful soba soup tepatnya di Yawataya Isogoro :D dan let's take a rest in Zenkō-ji Kyoujuin.

visit Zenkō-ji Temple yang terkenal dengan Hibutsu nya atau its Hidden Buddha yang di tampilkan secara public setiap 6 tahun sekali.
Zenkō-ji Temple
...aaand after that, we'll move to Shinano Art Museum! nothing's better than visiting an art museum in winter. especially in JAPAN!! it's a must-to-do thing (at least for me ^^) , setelah dari museum jangan lupa untuk mencicipi jajanan ala jepang namanya adalaaaaahhhh Oyaki atau Japanese Dumpling...TADAAA

Nah setelah puas menikmati Oyaki, saatnya menaiki shinkasen (JR East) menuju GALA YUZAWA!! untuk kesana, kita bisa naik shinkasen dari stasiun Nagano, lalu transit untuk menaiki Joetsu Shinkasen dan akhirnya, ARRIVED at GALA YUZAWA dan hanya membutuhkan waktu kurang dari 2 jam untuk menempuh jarak sejauh lebih dari 200 km! (kalo naikmobil bisa 4 jam) :O
Sesampainya di GALA YUZAWA we can see SNOW SNOW SNOW eeeverywhere! dan yang paling WOW nya lagi, selain dekat dengan stasiun di GALA YUZAWA juga ada resort nya! Ga itu aja, Gala Yuzawa juga lagi adain promo heboohh check out the poster below!!
FOR INFO: https://www.facebook.com/id.jprail (or click the picture)
 NAH, itu diaa pilihan paket di GALA YUZAWA, tinggal klik link diatas, pilih paket lalu order, dan you will enjoy the never-ending-pleasure di GALA YUZAWA ini ^^ dan saking kerennya objek ini HIGHLY recommended banget buat turis yang mau merasakan the snowy wonderland ini karena tempatnya yang sangat mudah dijangkau dengan Tokyo Rail Days dari Nagano aja kurang dari 2 jam, kalo dari Tokyo, cuma 77 MENIT! selain promo paket bermain di Snowy Wonderland ini, JP Rail juga mau ngasih promo menggiurkan lho... here you go...


SNOW TIMEEEE!! kita bisa main salju di GALA YUZAWA sepuasnyaaa salah satu cara untuk menikmati nya dengan cara menyawa papan ski dan mulai meluncur di hamparan salju nan luas sambil melihat pemandangan tiada duanya~
dan menjelang sore, kegembiraan bermain salju harus berakhir :( tapi tenang ajaa, karna dari Gala Yuzawa Station, kita akan langsung meluncur ke GUNMA! dan ga akan kalah menariknya dari Gala Yuzawa :P oke setelah sampai di Gunma. tepatnya di kota Ōta, kita bisa langsung ke Hotel Pine Hill yang jaraknya dekat dengan stasiun. dan, time to sleep ^^

tidak ada yang lebih menyenagkan selain bangun tidur lalu disambut dengan pemandangan yang menakjubkan, itulah Gunma. Perfektur ini terkenal dengan onsen nya (permandian air panas/hot spring) dan hari ini kita akan mencoba salah satu onsen di Ōta setelah menikmati pemandangan di Daikoin temple dan Kanayama Castle. Daikoin ini merupakan salah satu bangunan tua (dari 1618) dan Kanayama Castle merupakan icon dari kota Ōta ini ^^

Daikoin Temple

Dan akhirnya, setelah berjalan- jalan di kota, sempatkanlah ke Yabuzuka Onsen! Di Onsen ini, terdapat legenda yang menceritakan, salah satu prajurit sembuh ketika berendam di Onsen ini.. Mau coba? :D

okeee, selesai sudah perjalanan hari ini! waktunya kembali ke Hotel, karena besok kita akan ke TOKYOOOO ^^

sebelum meninggalkan Gunma, sebaiknya cicipi dulu jajanan khas Gunma, yaitu Yakimanju! Snack ini merupakan andalan Gunma dan sangat disayangkan jika ke Gunma namun tidak membeli makanan yang satu ini! Juga jangan lupa untuk membeli oleh- ole dari Gunma berupa boneka Gunma-chan, yang merupakan maskot dari prefektur Gunma, maskot ini juga menempati posisi pertama dalam 2014 Yuru Chara Grand Prix lho!

Hasil gambar untuk yakimanju yakimanju

Hasil gambar untuk gunmachan gunmachan

okee, perjalanan ke Tokyo, seperti biasa menggunakan Shinkasen :D Lalu berhenti di Koenji station! saat keluar dari stasiun, kita akan diselimuti oleh dunia belanja! yap, di sekitar stasiun berjejer toko- toko kecil, juga kedai- kedai makanan yang siap untuk dikunjungi. salah satu kedai yang harus dicoba ialah FUKUBEKO. kedai ini sebenarnya seperti restauran dan sangat sangat di rekomendasikan bagi turis yang mnyukai BBQ karena disini, daging- dagingnya sangat empuk dan kita bisa memanggang sendiri daging- dagingnya di meja, soal harga, restoran ini yang terbaik!! kota yang terkenal dengan Awa Odori ini juga memiliki kafe mungil nan lucu namanya Hattiffnatt Cafe. Nah untuk oleh- oleh, bisa banget membeli bubuk Onsen yaitu "PUCHIPURA". Puchipura ini sejenis bubuk mandi atau bath bomb dan harganya cukup terjangkau yaitu 100 yen per piece nya! Boleh juga datang ke toko kecil bernama "MAMEGEN", toko yang sudah berusia lebih dari 130 tahun yang terkenal akan jajanan nya yang memiliki rasa matcha dan wasabi khas Jepang. Salah satu paket yang direkomendasikan ialah set :edo Fuumi" seharga 2.100 yen yang memiliki aneka rasa.


 okaaayyy, SELESAI SUDAH perjalanan Jepang kita.. saatnya kembali ke Jakarta! naik shinkasen menuju Haneda lalu take off dari Haneda Airport! ^^

Untuk harga perjalanan ini, memang cukup mahal. tapi jangan khawatir kalau kamu mau oleh- oleh yang tadi disebutkan! Karena sejak ada NEETIP.com, kamu bisa loh nitip oleh- oleh ke salah satu sahabat Neetip! Selain bisa dapat oleh- oleh, bisa nambah temen juga! asik ya! Yuk, cobain seru nya nitip di NEETIP.com!!

Kunjungi Akun Resmi Neetip berikut untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut!